Phil's G.I. Joe Page

Wait... you're actually reading this?!

Thursday, February 28, 2002
I just spent the last hour ripping apart a crate. Why, you ask? Because I need material for a stupid project in Vis Arts 3. I have to make a chair. By Tuesday. But I need to have materials today. Hence, I was ripping apart a crate for salvageable wood. My back hurts. And I have to carry the wood from my apartment to Mandeville soon. I don't know if I can do that.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Hmm... what to post today, I wonder?

Apparently, one of my G.I. Joe newsgroups is getting its own website. There's nothing there yet, of course, but it's nice to know we have a website.

I'm starting to get a little worried about housing for college next year. I haven't started looking yet, but I'm hoping that my roommate will hopefully become a resident advisor and thus get on-campus housing, and that he will hopefully pick me as one of his two roommates. There's a lot of hoping involved.

I think Enterprise sucks. And UPN here is only showing early episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which sucks, too. And I don't get TNN here, so I can't watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. That sucks. I do get SciFi Channel here, so I can watch Star Trek if I want, but while I don't think it sucks, I just don't wanna watch those episodes. Oh, and for the record, Star Trek: Voyager sucks. And I like Star Trek: The Animated Series, but the theme song sucks. And don't get me started on the Star Trek movies, they vary from great to sucks. ;-)

Tonight's blog theme was word repetition.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002
Ok, so I had this long post written up, but my sign in session expired and the post is now lost. Arrgh! Well, to reiterate to the best of my ability:

I'm writing now to pass the time before my next class. It seems as though my life is sometimes ruled by my boredom. You could probably make a graph of my day going by how bored I am at different intervals... Probably a line graph.

Reading other people's blogs, it seems like a lot of people add entries because they're bored. It's scary to see just how much the Internet is created out of boredom. Nothing to do? Start a website! Already done that? Start a weblog! Already done that? Add a new entry!

You know what my most visited page on my website is? My Customs page. Not this page (which is my newest page, but is rising the fastest in number of visits), not my home page (the page listed on all the links pages except Blogger), but my Customs page... how random is that? Oh, and the least visited page is my Bio page... :-( Nobody wants to know about me! Maybe they would if I ever updated it once in a while... (For those of you who don't know, the content of the Bio page has remained largely unchanged since I started this site as a school project with Andrew Craig back in 1998! That's right, this website spans two millenia! Go me!)

Why is it that hardly anybody I know offline has a website? My links pages has 8 links to people I know from my school, and last I checked, I know more than 8 people (I don't count Liz 'cause I don't know her that well. ;-) ). I mean, I like reading weblogs, and I have nothing against Otagen, but come on, to steal from a commercial, I need more content than that!

Well, it isn't word for word what I wrote, but it's pretty damn close. Hopefully, this log out doesn't happen again any time soon...

Monday, February 25, 2002
Okay, ramblings for today:

Got a Duke / Cobra Commander two pack yesterday, along with the Full Scan WWF Lita. The two pack rocks, what else can I say? As for Lita... well, maybe if they gave her more articulation than an arm swivel, she would be cool...

I dreamt about her last night. Second time, actually... The first time I dreamt of her I was huddled on the ground, frightened or ashamed or something. Suddenly, she sitting next to me, holding my hand and smiling down on me. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't find the words...

This time she was running away from me. As I chased her, I asked her questions which she promptly answered in a calm voice. Weird... and for some reason, I kept thinking she had done a guest vioce on "The Simpsons" four times... That shows my screwy subconscious thought process!

Sunday, February 24, 2002
Well, I suppose it's a good thing that the lady hasn't blocked me from AIM...

Saturday, February 23, 2002
I think these lyrics sum up pretty much what I'm feeling right now:

Here it's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody,
I got some money 'cause I just got paid.
Oh, how I wish I had someone to talk to,
I'm in an awful way.

Sam Cooke, I feel your pain. Really, I do.

Friday, February 22, 2002

For those of you obsessed with the "What X am I?" quizzes, have I got a site for you!

Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft

Man, talk about reactionary. This place calls Catholicism a false religion! Now, I don't know about you, but I think I would know if I was practicing an "evil" religion. And its criticism isn't limited to just this. I mean, I'm no fan of Pokemon, but even I don't think the card game is a form of witchcraft!

I feel sorry for these people... Always on guard, ever fearful of Satan in his many forms (especally Britney Spears lyrics, worse than Marilyn Manson!)... Actually, I'd like to know their blood pressure levels.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Holy Hell! If this thing doesn't get you excited about G.I. Joe, nothing will!
But at 9.2 Megs, some of you dial-up people may be waiting a while. Oh, and
save it to your hard drive and open in a media player, not IE. It doesn't play
right in Internet Explorer.

Morpheus is evil. Trust me on this. At least WinMX doesn't delete all the data you've taken hours to download and start all over again. And that's another thing! Why can't I download anything?! I'm on a frikkin' T3 for cryin' out loud!

Hee hee... "Mahna Mahna." Greatest Song, ever. Those muppets were on to something...

I think I just stumbled onto somebody's "blog" (what they call these pages powered by who read my site. I can't tell for sure, because I'm sure there are thousands of people out there going through the same thing I am, but still, it's weird to read about somebody you have no connection to whatsoever talking about you. I guess I'll have to get used to it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002
Random thoughts for today:

Well, it's another day. I have to go to class in 10 minutes. A boring, boring class. At least it's not too far away. I hate cass. I'll be happy when Spring Break comes. Maybe I'll actually get to talk to some of my friends. Well, so much for wishful thinking.

I wanna go home. And when I'm home, I feel like I should be somewhere else, doing homework or something. It's a vicious circle.

So this week, I have to write a rough draft of a paper, write a research paper for Bio, read for History, finish reading for DOC, and gather supplies for my art class. Ugh.

Well, I'm off to class. Hopefully I won't fall asleep in it. I am so not good at this college thing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002
Well, I got up at nine this morning and drove back to school. It's nice having a car on campus. I don't know why, but it just seems to give me a sense of freedom when I do have a car here. I found a parking space a lot easier than I did the last time I drove a car here. That was a little strange, because it was the same parking structure, and only a difference of an hour. So now, my three day weekend is officially over. :-(

Got some new Joe toys over the weekend. Not much to say about those.

I also took in a long Star Trek marathon. Mostly Next Generation, but still... I now have six episodes more on tape.

I now find myself listening to the Beatles in front of my desk at UCSD. And I still can't stop thinking about her. Damn.

Sunday, February 17, 2002
So this is what it's come to then, is it?

Phillip Donnelly, Eagle Scout. Phillip Donnelly, Freshman in Sophomore standing. Phillip Donnelly, out of shape. Phillip Donnelly, unhealthy eater. Phillip Donnelly, screw up in romantic relationships. Phillip Donnelly, the insensitive prick who's always harassing a girl every time she logs onto AIM.

So, after 12 years of actually getting over my fear of rejection and actually telling a girl I like her, I get...rejected, for lack of a better word. A girl I've tried to see on my weekends home since way back in October, but have yet to do so. I really don't know where exactly she stands regarding me, all I know is she hasn't regarded me in 8 months. And I think I'm getting a little creepy. The only reason I haven't scanned in every picture I have of her into one file in my computer is because my scanner doesn't work.

So what do I do? I try to keep myself occupied by mindlessly watching Star Trek shows and buying G.I. Joe toys. But even when I'm not trying to think about her, her name pops up in weird and mysterious ways. Case in point: driving back to UCSD one day, her name is sorta written on the back of an otherwise white moving truck kinda like a message written on a dusty car window.

Sure, life isn't fair, but does that mean you have to like it?

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

Friday, February 15, 2002
Well, I just got back from my History 7B midterm. Why they have it at the end of 6th week (on a ten week quarter), I don't know. I wasn't sure of my answers on, like, three questions. But other than that, I think I rocked it!

Hey, this page has been added to Charley's favorites! That's 1 and counting!

I get to go home in a few hours! Woo hoo! Three day weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2002
Alright, so Valentine's Day is almost over. Mom's gotten her present, and I still don't have a girlfriend. I also don't think anybody reads this yet, other than me.

DOC discussion was cancelled today (YES!!!), but I have a midterm in History tomorrow (NO!!!). Gotta take the good with the bad I suppose. I should be studying, but I'm not. I'm writing a post to my website.

I think my roommate shares a class with Liz Wong, a person I know as a casual acquaintance, if that. But I know a lot about her because she writes to the same site my friend Ross does. It's like I'm peeking into somebody's inner thoughts. Sure, it's on a website, so it's public domain, but I still feel a little guilty...

People are starting to wonder why I have a toy F-14 in my room...

Okay, today is Valentine's Day. I hate today. For one, it's my mom's birthday. Not that I don't like my mom, I don't like having to buy presents. (Call me miserly.) For another, I don't have anyone to call a valentine. :-( Poor me.

Is it me, or does it seem like everybody from my high school is seriously depressed right now?

Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Well, I thought I'd be like some many others and post a thoughts page to my website. I'm such a sheep. This is mainly to stave off boredom for a few minutes each day I post. And who knows how often that'll be?

First off, I got my Funskool Skystriker today! Woo hoo! This thing is cool! But unfortunately, I'm at college, so all I have to play with it is the Storm Shadow that came boxed with it. (Apparently, the figure is random, but everybody I know has gotten this same damn figure!)

G.I. Joe Toy Fair pics are up at, among other places. I'm drooling... Although, Flint just looks a little off to me, I don't know why...

And since this is my first time with Blogger, forgive me if I make a few errors with the configuration.


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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