Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, June 26, 2002
New Orleans

The Big Easy

The Crescent City

The, uh, place where they have all those Mardi Gras parties...

So my vacation to New Orleans was interesting. If you can't afford the plane fare to get there, here's what you do: go to New Orleans Square in Disneyland. Now, replace one of the gift shops with a nudie bar. Finally, take a dumpster, and dump its contents into the sidewalk. There you go! Your own personal New Orleans! Seriously, though, unless you like drinking alcohol (unlike me) there's not a lot to do there. Pretty much all the tourist sites have been covered pretty well in all those National Geographic documentaries. If you ever wanna feel spooked, read a book about the hauntings and vampires of the city. If nothing else, it'll get you worried about those people who honestly believe they're vampires...

Oh, and that beads thing that N'Awlins is so well known for isn't just contained to Mardi Gras! For those of you not entirely sure what I'm talking about, let these two lines explain it:

"Throw me something, mister!"
"Show me something, sister!"

Oh, and one last thing: it bugged me that a non-smoking bar there got this derisive comment from somebody: "It's one of those California bars!" Believe me, if you spend ten minutes in Vegas or New Orleans, you'll be thankful for our laws, especially if you're a non-smoker (yeah, I'm a boring person- don't drink, don't smoke)! Incidentally, the bar's non-smoking because the owner's brother died as a result of second-hand smoke. Show some respect, people.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Ok, real quick:

On Saturday, my brother worked the First Aid with the Pasadena FD for Wango Tango! Aside from being like 20 feet from Jennifer Love-Hewitt and not knowing it (yeah, he was upset, too), he got to have a little conversation with Ozzy Osbourne! Cool!

Tomorrow I'm goin' to the Bayou! New Orleans (excuse me, "N'Awlins"...) here I come! I'll be back on the 25th (I think...) so don't expect any updates until at least then.

Enjoy the summer everyone!

Friday, June 14, 2002
Well, it's Friday. In less than twelve hours I will be engaged in my last final of my first year of college. I'd like to say at this time that once summer vacation begins, I don't think I'll be able to keep updating this page as often as I have. I know on Wednesday I'm leaving for a vacation in New Orleans until the 26th and I'll be going on a family road trip in August. I don't see myself having as much access to a computer to keep adding blogs every day. But rest assured that I am in no way abandoning my website. (like any of you were actually thinking that...)

Then again, I didn't think I'd be writing this often when I first made this page, so who knows?

Oh, and as for summer vacation starting? Can I just say, OH HELL YEAH!

Thursday, June 13, 2002
I just came back from my second final. I just have one more to go and then I'm done. Sadly, that next final is tomorrow. Somebody just make this end already!

Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Here we go again! All you Counter-Strike users, time to upgrade to version 1.5!

Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Well, at 10:45 this morning, my roommate officialy ended his first year at college. Lucky bastard. I, on the other hand, have yet to start my finals. And I won't be done until Friday afternoon. To all of you people getting done early, I HATE YOU ALL!!!

Monday, June 10, 2002
Ok, I've been toying around with the html on this page so I can get the Topcities banner to reappear. For the past couple of weeks, the banner hasn't shown up when I load this page, so it is a possible that it's simply a problem with my computer. Nevertheless, I don't wanna get into trouble with my website provider. I seem to have gotten the page to work how I want it, but it's possible that I've added a second pop-up ad to my page. I can't seem to see one, but that doesn't mean there isn't one on your computers. Just put in a comment if a pop-ud ad does appear (other than the annoying Onesuite one), and I'll change back the html. Of course, I can't be held responsible if someone were to look around here...

I finally got around to eating at the fourth cafeteria on campus today. That means I've eaten at them all. I here there's also a cafeteria for grad students, but I don't know if meal points are accepted there. And why should I care? This isn't really a big deal. This just lets me know my options for dining...

Sunday, June 09, 2002
I feel bad; I'm not studying. Now, those who know me know that I never study. However, I've usually read what I needed to already so I don't have to study. This hasn't been the case this quarter. It's ridiculous how little I've read this entire quarter. But I rationalize my lack of studying with the true response of "But I don't have my first final until Tuesday! I can start studying tomorrow!" I'll probably rationalize a way to procrastinate even more, though. Still, I feel I should be complaining about studying just like everybody else is right now.

Now, my question is: did any of what I just wrote make sense?

Well, since next week is Finals Week, I didn't go home this weekend. Instead, my parents came up here to take me to Sea World! I treated them to lunch and late dinner at OcieanView Terrace, and we all used our annual passes for the first time in Shamu-land. I hadn't really been to Sea World in years, and man, did it show. About 80% of the park seemed new to me; it was actually a little disconcerting.

My parents left for home about an hour ago, and that little bout of depression I always get after having to go back to school has set in, right on schedule.

In other news, I figured out why I couldn't get into Hotmail yesterday: apparently, the school connection here sucks, so some domains can't be accessed. To fix this (listen up, UCSD people!), you need to change the LAN settings in your browser to, port 3128. Full information can be found here.

Friday, June 07, 2002
Ok, so the prof that everybody hates was ill today and lecture was cancelled. The great thing about that is 2 of my 3 classes today had this professor. Only 1 class today! Woo hoo! Unfortunately, we still don't know what the final will be like in one of these classes.

Update (2:25): My discussion section was just canceled! I had no classes today, kick ass!

Thursday, June 06, 2002
I just had my last Vis Arts 22 lecture today. It was sort of a "cram all we can before the lecture ends" class 'cause we were so far behind. We covered 40 years of art in the twentieth century! Dadaism, Constructivism, Social Realism, American Landscape, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art! THE MADNESS!!

Wednesday, June 05, 2002
You know, it's annoying. It's the week before finals, and I'VE STILL GOT TWO PAPERS TO WRITE!!! Sigh... It never ends, does it? Oh well, at least these are only two-page papers, not those monster five-page ones.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002
Ok, so I'm finally gonna get around to talking about the Gen 13 movie. Now, there's a complicated backstory as to why I never watched this 1998 film before.

Basically, Gen 13 is a comic book produced by Wildstorm Productions. Wildstorm is sort of an autonomous comic book company working within a larger one. At the time of the movie's creation, Wildstorm belonged to Image Comics, an independant comic company and the third largest in the American market. Now, producing this movie took lots of work, including securing the talent (Mark Hamill, John deLancie, and Cloris Leachman, to name a few). I believe this film started production in either 1995 or 1996, shortly after the comic book's creation. Various unnamed production problems delayed the film from being finished until 1998. Now, to release this as a direct-to-video movie, Wildstorm gave the distribution rights to Buena Vista Pictures (basically Disney, but with Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures thrown in. Still Will Eisner). Unfortunately, during the postponements, Wildstorm's owner, Jim Lee, decided to move Wildstorm from Image Comics to DC Comics. DC Comics is fully owned by Time-Warner Entertainment, which owns Warner Bros. Pictures. As a consequence, Buena Vista Pictures is in no way eager to release a film about a property owned by the competition.

However, there's still hope to see it. The movie's available on the bootleg market. How they got it, I don't know, but there is an indication it was shown at a San Diego Comic Con as evidenced here. For the life of me, I can't confirm this, though.

Whew, that was a lot.

All right, the movie is just a mildly entertaining adaptation of the Gen 13 miniseries which showed how the team came to be. It's done in the Batman Animated Series style, but they say curse words. I liked it except for a few things:

-- Rainmaker is a background character and Burnout is only in one scene (and he doesn't get any dialogue). Neither of them are a part of the team at the end of the movie.
-- While I think Cloris Leachman is perfect fot the part of Helga, it's hard not to think of her Frau Blucher character from Young Frankenstein.
-- John deLancie seems an odd choice for the voice of Lynch. I would have thought someone with a more gravelly voice would soung better. Maybe Michael Ironside.
-- The producers got rid of the character of Bliss, and instead made Fairchild Threshold's long-lost sister, despite the fact that they already named each character's respective fathers and made no attempt to say they were half-siblings.

I don't think I wasted my money on this (go e-bay!), and if you ever want to watch it, just give me a call.

Man, I don't think I've ever put so many links in one post as I have today...

Monday, June 03, 2002
I spent last night in OceanView Lounge. Why? So I could be in line early for a waiting list for on-campus housing last year. I got in line at 9 last night and I was still number 7 there! Oh, and apparently, I'm competing with the whole school for the housing. I didn't get much sleep, either. I'm so very tired.

Saturday, June 01, 2002
Well, I finally got around to watching the Gen 13 movie. Considering it was probably a third generation video copy, the movie looked pretty good. It was entertaining, but why didn't the use Rainmaker or Burnout in the movie? Or Bliss, for that matter! She was a big character, and without her, they had to significantly change the ending.


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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