Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, May 29, 2003
So in my Structure of Art discussion section today we walked over to the Salk Institute for cancer research to talk about its architecture. My god, that place is beautiful. If I didn't know better, I might well have mistaken that place for a museum!

Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Ok, so I'm starting to enter that time of the year when things get a bit hectic. I know I have about 2 papers to write and 1 project to make. And I have a scene I need to rehearse. Excuse me if I seem a little busy...

Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Go away; I need to write a three-page paper for tomorrow. Go away, I mean it. Stop tempting me, foul Internet!!!

Monday, May 26, 2003
Well, I'm finally back to school after a long weekend with a lot of driving (at least an hour each day!). Of course, even though today was a holiday from classes, the only difference to me was a couple more hours to spend at home before I drove back to school.

TNT had a Law & Order marathon today. Couple that with the three hours' worth from Thursday my dad taped for me, and I was hearing that "thump, thump" way too much for what many would deem healthy purposes!

Sunday, May 25, 2003
Today I drove up to Burbank for one of those G.I. Joe shows. There was a custom figure contest this time, so everyone had all their special figures on display. (Not me, though, 'cause I'm far from that good!) I ended up spending most of my money on some female military figures. (Yes, they make them!)

Saturday, May 24, 2003
Well, I drove my elder grandmother around L.A. today, mostly to pick up groceries, since none of her direct children are around to do it for her. The highlight of my trip was a cute waitress at the diner we ate lunch at, and she thought I was nice for helping my grandmothere out like that.

Thursday, May 22, 2003
Man, these seven-hour Thursdays are getting to me. Luckily I only have 2 more left. I really can't wait 'til summer break.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003
I think it's great that my VIS 140 TA is cool enough to let us leave the lab section early. Since I'm one of those people who does all his work at home, I usually spend periods like this just surfing around the internet and being all-around unproductive, so it's nice to leave early. That, and the lab room is too frickin' cold to be in there for 2 hours!

Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Not that you'll be able to read this for a while since my site got temporarily shut down for excessive bandwidth usage, but I thought I'd make an entry anyway. The end of the school year's coming up fast, so my workload has increased a little recently. It's a good thing I have a 4-day weekend to procrastinate! Actually, my parents are going away again so I'll have the house to myself until Monday afternoon. I wonder if I'll be as bored this time as I was last time? I sure hope not....

Monday, May 19, 2003
Wow, I had a busy weekend. Friday afternoon I saw The Matrix Reloaded. Good movie, but as a sequel, I think I liked X2 more.

Saturday evening I was relieved to find that if the Lakers weren't going to be in the NBA finals anymore, then neither were the Kings. Oh, and the Angels won a game due to the stupidity of the other team. Heh heh heh.

Sunday, my roommate and I put the down payment on an apartment in La Jolla for next year. It's at Nobel Court, and the room's really close to a campus shuttle stop, so theoretically, I won't need to buy a UCSD parking permit next year!

But I guess the biggest news is that my parents sold our rental house in Anaheim. So my first home which I still think of fondly, for all the troubles it caused since we stopped living there, is finally going to somebody else. That's a little saddening.

Thursday, May 15, 2003
Wow, I just got an A- on my paper for the class with the weird professor. That's an indication that I know something about what I'm talking. That's like a total validation for my rants!

Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Wow. If I don't get a minor, I only need 9 classes to graduate. Guess I better get department approval tomorrow....

Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Assigned today, I have to read a play for my theater class by Thursday morning. Not a big deal, but there are 6 of us trying to get ahold of the same book. So what did we do? We arranged to pass around the book amoing us in a designated order, at designated times. I'm supposed to have the play now, but the person who was supposed to give me the play hasn't shown up!!

Monday, May 12, 2003
So I was planning on making a "Random Thoughts for the Day" entry this time around, but I forgot what my random thoughts were! Terrible, no?

So I'm hoping that this week is a slow week at school. All my midterms and stuff were last week, so I guess there won't be much to worry about for a while....

I put my name on two apartment complex waiting lists on Saturday. Theoretically I won't be screwed for off-campus housing come next school year. I really only lucked out getting on-campus for this year.

Speaking of next school year, I register for classes for fall quarter Thursday. I guess I should get one of those schedule books so I can coordinate with my major reguirements, huh?

You know what? These may not be the thoughts I had in mind, but this 'blog kinda turned out to be a random thoughts entry anyway!

Friday, May 09, 2003
You know what's incredibly funny? Hearing Droopy Dog say "Curses, foiled again!"

Thursday, May 08, 2003
I think I've pinpointed why I disagree with my VIS 154: Hard Look at the Movies professor so much: I can't farking understand him! Now, don't get me wrong, my prof is French and has a noticeable accent, but that's not what I'm talking about. I can understand what he speaks just fine. The problem is that he's always speaking in metaphors in order to better articulate his thoughts. But I have no clue what the referants to these metaphors are! So I'm left trying to decifer what exactly he just said; meanwhile, the prof keeps rambling on like he's only got 5 minutes to live, so that by the time he does plainly state a thought, I've missed it in my deciphering attempts! Argh!!

Wednesday, May 07, 2003
I have the oddest midterm paper due. I mean, it's so odd, that half of it isn't even typed! I need to look at various media sources (music, film clips, art, comic books) and find examples of cinematic techniques I could employ in a hypothetical modern-day pulp film of our making. I then present these examples I've found as half of my midterm. The only writing involved is an explanation of why I chose these techniques!

As you can probably guess, I've spent my time procrastinating, but now if I read my comic books, does it count as research?

Tuesday, May 06, 2003
I had my only in-class midterm this morning in my "Structure of Art" class. Basically we were shown a couple slides of paintings or photographs and told to analyze what societal roles or themes were being played in them. I think I was doing pretty well until I came to the abstract stuff. Stupid Duchamp. Oh well, I think I made up enough to cover what the TA needs.

Monday, May 05, 2003
Yesterday mom, dad, my roommate, and I began apartment hunting. We saw some nice places and quite a few incentives to sign up, but haven't committed to anything yet. The search begins!

Sunday, May 04, 2003
What can I say? X2 was an excellent, excellent, excellent movie!

Thursday, May 01, 2003
So today in acting class, our prof was talking about how a character would act in a scene some people were doing. He brought to mind the time he first started college, when he went from high school star to anonymous nobody. He then asked if any of us had had similar experiences. You know what? It's happened to me twice!

For eight years through elementary school and junior high, I was the top student at my little private school. Having only 15 people in the class, this wasn't too hard, but I did it consistently every quarter for eight years! And everybody liked me; I guess they kinda had to, or risk going crazy or transferring.... Then I started high school. It was bad enough that I had gone to a private school all my life, but I was also attending a magnet school. As in, not the school normal students from my area go to. I knew maybe 7 people, all from my pivate school, and the girls from there I rarely spoke to again. Add to that the fact that my dog died that first week of freshman year, I felt a little out of place in French 2, and I just felt lost.

But it got better. I found a few groups of people I could hang with, and I got to do some acting. I think that damn "Calculus" act from Drama class may have been the best thing to happen to me at school. People started noticing who I was, and I enjoyed some degree of popularity again. This helped make senior year at Troy fundamentally easier than any other.

But it started all over again when I started going to UCSD. Very few of the people I knew from Troy went here with me, and those that did, I rarely see. Since I went to a private school all my life, then went to a magnet school outside my residential area, AND I moved from my childhood neighborhood where I knew all the kids on the cul-de-sac to a place where I knew nobody (and still don't) in the early nineties, I don't know anybody who might have been from my neighborhood here. I'm anonymous again...


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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