Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Since I didn't have class until 3 today, I decided to drive down to Target and see if I couldn't find anything worth buying. I ended up getting mostly groceries, but I did finally get around to buying the third season of Futurama and the Maroon 5 CD. Good stuff.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004
This morning four city shuttle buses passed by my stop because they were full, prompting me to walk to campus and show up 15 minutes late for my first class of the day. Part of that was due to it being the first week of the quarter and having a lot of people figuring out their commute, but I'm certain a lot of that was due to John Kerry holding a rally in the Price Center at school. Our class actually took a thirty minute break to check it out. I didn't get to see much due to the enormous crowd around him, but it was kinda cool to see all the police lining the rooftops looking for any troublemakers. Well, cool to me, at least. I'm one of those weird guys who likes seeing military gear in use.

Monday, March 29, 2004
Back at school, and done with the first day of spring quarter. I'm really annoyed that the UCs had different spring break times this year; I didn't get the chance to meet up with anybody. Too bad, really.

Thursday, March 25, 2004
It's been a week since I last posted here, and I think it's high time I do so. Nothing too terribly important has happened in the last few days, but I'll tell you about it anyway. I guess you could call this Random Posts for the Week:

On Saturday, dad and I came to a decision regarding my apartment: we'd fork over the full rent ourselves for the 2-3 months I'll need to before the school year ends and I need to renew my lease. I may have someone available to move in then, so hopefully, this won't be too bad.

On Sunday, I went to another G.I. Joe show in Burbank, where I came to the decision to create decent 12" versions of Gen 13. Why? I just got the 12" Lynch figure, and decided to go all out, since I already have Fairchild. Rainmaker and Burnout already exist, so I've ordered them and they should be arriving soon. On all of these, I change the base body into new ones. While the amount of articulation in the default bodies is enough, the overall range of motion at each of the joints is woefully inadequate. I'll be making Freefall and Grunge from scratch, a prospect I dread, since no previous version of their characters exists. I've bought the materials I need, so it's just a matter of waiting for the parts to arrive in the mail.

I'm still catching up on my X-Men back issues (and current ones), and today I bought quite a few issues that came out before I started subscribing to the 1991 X-Men title. I now only need three issues to complete the entire run that's been published in this line to date, and one more for the Ultimate X-Men comic book.

This all sounds terribly geeky and uninteresting to the majority of you, I know, but I thought it was good to know.

Thursday, March 18, 2004
Okay, here's a post to catch you up on things in the past few days. Over the weekend I wrote two final papers to finish up those classes when I turned them in on Monday, but I still hard a third paper to finish. Monday I drove down to my apartment and wrote the last paper up there. Then I went on campus a few hours before my final started so I would have plenty of time to turn those papers in (I'm paranoid like that). Obviously, I had too much time and spent most of my remaining free time in the bookstore like I usually do when I have time to kill before class. (It's fun to page through all though graphic novels and magazines and not feel the need to buy them, even though I'm reading them.) I was looking at a copy of the 30th anniversary edition of The Princess Bride (yes, the movie came from it) when the store announced its closing. I still had an hour to kill before my final, so I decided to buy the book.

Well, the final came and went, and I was out early enough to drive home afterwards (it was a 7-10 timeslot, so getting out late meant staying the night at my apartment). So at about 10:20 I got home and was officially on Spring Break. The only real problem with this is that no one else is. No big deal, I kept myself busy over the last few days reading my novel. (I really think Goldman's novel is brilliant, not so much for the narrative of the story, but in the while myth he created about Morgenstern writing the novel and Goldman just "abridging" it. I confess I got caught up in the lie for a bit; Goldman really keeps it going, even in the 30th anniversary introduction.) Being that it's an anniversary book, the novel's filled with a slew of extras that contain bits of truth with a lot of fiction. With extras, I've decided that the order to read my book has to be: The Princess Bride, the Reunion Scene (mostly available in the book, but two postscripts aren't, but you can download them off the internet), 25th Anniversary Introduction, Buttercup's Baby: An Introduction (Buttercup's Baby is, supposedly, Morgenstern's sequel), chapter 1 of Buttercup's Baby (that's all that exists at this point), 30th Anniversary Introduction. Of course, it's not in that order in the book itself, so I got a little disoriented reading in the novel's order.

And that brings me to today, of which very little has happened.

Friday, March 12, 2004
I figured I'd get this out of the way now: I've got three papers to turn in by Monday so I expect to be busy for the forseeable future (procrastination notwithstanding). Don't expect regular updates until the start of next quarter as that school break laziness creeps in. Don't worry, if anything major in my life happens, I'll let you guys know.

Thursday, March 11, 2004
Almost done with winter quarter, just one class, one final, and a couple of papers to go. I'm getting anxious to get out of this place, if only for a little while. But needing a roommate brings up a whole slew of problems. Should I stay in SD for the break in case I need to talk to a prospective new roomie? Do I stay back in OC and only drive down when needed? Whatever the case, I'm getting a little apprehensive about finding someone.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Like I'd figured, I had to walk home yesterday night (technically this morning; it was 1 am when I left). The day was pretty warm, so I was caught walking the foggy night in a t-shirt and shorts. Surprisingly, I wasn't that cold and the uphill walk wasn't too bad. I guess the walk over is harder, and I'd done that quite a few times. But hey, now I'm done with one of my classes for the quarter, and I've just finished my last long Wednesday. Now you can here me complain about a totally different schedule in the future! (Yay!)

Tuesday, March 09, 2004
It's 10 o'clock, and I'm still on campus. I have a project due in a class tomorrow, and I'm forced to stay in the lab here, since I don't have the program at home. I'm over halfway done, but something tells me I'll be walking home in the middle of the night. Bummer.

Monday, March 08, 2004
If I thought I got lost in SD back in January, I obviously wasn't expecting today to be so much worse. See, at least in January I had a pretty good idea of where I was going. Today, though, I didn't have as much luck. I knew what I was doing when I took the freeways inland to a comic shop I hadn't been to in years, but seeing the traffic jam on my way back, I decided to stick to side streets. Apparently, Friars Club Dr turns into freeway-like conditions and I missed the exit I needed to go back to the route I took in January. So now I was stuck driving roads I'm unfamiliar with, in an area I'd never been before, telling myself that to continually drive west meant an intersection with the 5 freeway and my salvation. Well, I got a bit anxious and got on a freeway I passed as an interchange on the way down. I managed to exit at a road I knew went by my place, only about 10 miles from where I wanted to be. Eventually, I got back to the apartment, but not before noticing that that crack in my windshield was getting larger....

Friday, March 05, 2004
Reading those X-Men comic collections really made me curious as to the comics I already owned. At what point did I become a regular reader? I know it was shortly before the cartoon came out, but I don't really know what issue it was. For some reason, I shied away from Uncanny X-Men and focused on the second X-Men title, so was really reading the history of a comic book I never collected (even though it's the same stories and histories I've been reading). I think part of the reason I never got into the back issues of the X-Men before was due to the fact that it seemed so daunting a prospect. Chris Claremont wove an intricate web where you really needed to go back twenty years to get to the start of the story. Now that I've done that, I wanna fill in the gaps. Why did the X-Men move to Australia? When did Jean Grey come back? I'm sure these answers can be found on the net, but I wanna read it as it came out, through the comics. So what do I do? Wait for new Essential X-Men volumes to come out? (Something tells me that's unlikely to occur.) Buy the back issues? (Oh boy, that could be expensive!) Whatever may happen, I'll be spending the present going through my already-amassed collection.

Thursday, March 04, 2004
I finished reading my X-Men comics on Sunday, and I now find myself bored out of my mind whenever I have free time. It's a weird effect that happens to me when I finish reading a really interesting book or, in this case, comic book. It'll pass eventually, but in the meantime I'll be obsessing over the need to do engage myself in something interesting. I felt this way after reading The Lord of the Rings, too. Unfortunately, I don't have many non-schoolbooks here; so I'll just have to wait it out. In the interim, I'll be watching my DVDs.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Ok, so the schoolwork apathy has finally taken hold of me this quarter. I've got a lot to get done, but I do not feel at all like doing a damn thing. And that includes looking for a new roommate. I'm sure I'll panic in a week or two, but for now I just don't give a damn. It's been a long day, I'm not sleeping as well as I'd like, and I'm hungry. I probably sound like I'm coming off pretty harsh here, but it's really what I'm feeling right now. I'm in my "just want to be left alone" moods right now.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I've got some bad news that I need to deal with. My roommate has to drop out of the lease due to financial difficulties and I'm stuck with needing to find a new roommate. I can handle paying the utilities on my own, but not the entire apartment. And I need to have a roommate by April! My head hurts.

Monday, March 01, 2004
Normally, I'd be at the apartment now, mindlessly procrastinating my way through the day. Today, however, I'm back at home. I say "back," because I actually drove down to UC San Diego this morning to attend my one Monday class. I drove back because of the elections tomorrow. Usually I just send in for the absentee ballot, fill it out, and forget about it. Unfortunately, this time around I misplaced the absentee application form and never got to send in for it. Luckily, I don't have class until 5 tomorrow, so I can still vote at the booths.


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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