The thing I loved about the Sigma 6 line as well as the first line of 3 3/4" figures was the uniformity in design. They looked like similar uniforms, something military units are prone to have. This is what really got me into the 8" scale. I liked seeing the variations on the theme. The cartoon, on the other hand, looked nice but had little story. Still, it gave us a version of Scarlett in her Sigma suit. Apparently Hasbro didn't want to risk poor sales selling female figures, so we're left to our own devices. Alright then, I made on. The head came from a Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. The torso, arms, and waist come from Tunnel Rat, and the hands and legs from Ninja Showdown Snake Eyes. Much putty and sewing added to better match her cartoon look.