Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Not that I've been posting much to begin with, but I found out on Thursday that I'll be going on a family vacation to Hawaii for a week starting Sunday. Yeah, that's right, tomorrow. I'm not too happy about that and I'm not quite sure why. I should love the prospect of going to Hawaii, but I think the fact that I was given virtually no notice of this is what irks me most. It's not like I really had anything planned, though. So why am I so put off by it??

Sunday, July 24, 2005
Well, I finally make an update to my Customs page, and what happens? They're all LBCs! So many, in fact, that I had to make a new subset to that category! Oh man.... Anyways, go check them out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I figured it was about time for another installment of:

Random Thoughts of the Day

- Gene Simmons walked right past me, Ken, and Mai Saturday at the con. I was the only one of the three of us to know who he was. He just looked so nonchalant walking the dealer room with fanboys trailing; it was a tad surreal.

- I also saw the new cast member of Stargate: Atlantis, Jason Momoa, walking around the dealer room. No one seemed to know who he was.

- I saw Gene while waiting in line for Peter David's autograph. I only showed up a few minutes early for the signing yet somehow became the first person in line. He saw my Photon books and was quite surprised to see I had them. We talked about the books while he put his name in all six of them. I wish I had more time to talk to him about it, seeing as how it was his writing that got me interested in Photon to begin with.

- At the con, I picked up some bootleg DVDs. Back at home as I am now, I spent a few hours yesterday photoshopping together some new covers for their cases. I think my Gen 13 and Star Wars Holiday Special DVDs look much better now. I'm still working on my 1994 Fantastic Four movie case, though.

- Now I have to get rid of my VHS copies of the Gen 13 and Star Wars Holiday Special films.

- I'm still thinking of a way to make a sequel to my G.I. Joe: The Final Frontier dio-story. I've got a lot of jokes in mind, but no story to tie them all together.

Ok, that should do it for today. Hey, how long has it been since I've done one of these things anyway?

Monday, July 18, 2005
Comic Con 2005 Haul

Here's my final stash of goodies from this year's San Diego Comic Con. It's quite a lot of crap. Oh, and before you ask, that Chobits figure is meant for a trade. I'll be getting more G.I. Joe figures out of it.

Thursday, July 14, 2005
I'm finally going down to Comic Con today! Fours days of pure geekdom; it's a beautiful thing. I don't know if I'll have internet access or not, but my phone's always around. Call me up and see how I'm doing! By Sunday night, I should be back home, and my wallet will be significantly smaller.

Friday, July 08, 2005
Mom and I stopped in at Disneyland for a few hours today. Lucky us, we got to ride Space Mountain before it officially opens! The track layout is the same as it was before, but the interiors are all redone. There's a cool spaceship interior going on everywhere now. Very cool. I don't know if there was supposed to be some kind of audio going on during the ride or not, but we didn't have any. Actually, it was kind of eerily quiet. Aside from that, we just did the VMK In-park Quests and went and met dad for dinner in Fullerton.

Monday, July 04, 2005
Happy Fourth of July, all. My parents don't get back until tomorrow night, so Mike and I will be driving down to Huntington Beach later today to celebrate with our cousins and grandparents. Other than that, things have been pretty quiet around here. Mostly I've been keeping myself occupied and a little psyched with my plans for this year's Comic Con International. I'm talking to those who will be in our little group of attending patrons, and making some lists of what to see and get.


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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