Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, June 30, 2006
I'll be going to Anime Expo for the first time tomorrow. Nammy got me some comp tickets, it's only 15 miles away, and I can work out free parking, so there's really no reason for me not to go. Should be interesting to compare this with Comic Con, seeing what's different and what's the same. At the very least, I should be able to fill in some gaps in my collection.

Thursday, June 29, 2006
I'm back home after another week on an odd work schedule. This timne I was watching after one of the dogs. It had emergency surgery last week for a spider bite or something, and I've been looking after it while my boss has been out of the house on weekends. Now I'm getting ready for my second watching of Superman Returns, this timne with my parents!

Thursday, June 22, 2006
A few weeks ago I joined the staff of It's a website I've been using since I started collecting G.I. Joes back in 1998, so to actually be a part of it is really very cool to me. It's not paid, but this site really isn't about money - it's more about contributing to the hobby as a whole and I'm more than happy to do that. For my part, my contributions to the site have been to add some pictures to the archives of the figres with all their gear on. To that end, I took well over 100 photographs over the weekend. I've been making the necessary html this week and trying to post them when I can. There's some issue with my permissions right now which means I have to send my work to another staff member to upload, but hopefully that'll soon be sorted out and I can make the updates that much faster.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Weird schedule for me this week. I didn't work Tuesday, but did today from 1 to 6. The same schedule for tomorrow and Friday, too. The house where I work is being repainted and my boss wanted me around to keep an eye on the dogs when she has to step out of the house. So here I am. Traffic's a little worse on these times, but if it's only for three days, I can live with it.

Thursday, June 15, 2006
It's been a bit of a hectic week here. First of all, I drove back into LA Monday night for work the next morning. After work, I drove straight to Disneyland to hang out with a friend from NorCal who was in town. I drove back to LA later that night. After work yesterday I drove straight home to Orange County. My parents took a flight to NorCal last night for some wine tasting through Sunday, so I had to watch over the dog. I stayed home until the evening when traffic would be clear and drove back to LA with Brit in tow. She stayed with me here in LA, and I left her inside when I went to work today. If I left her in the backyard, she would easily squeeze through the gate and end up in parts unknown. Currently, she's snoozing on the floor behind my chair. I'll pack up tonight and take her with me back home to Orange County, because I've got a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning. So much driving!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I spent Saturday with Jenny and Megan down at Disneyland where it was seriously hot. Probably too hot to spend at the park, but we did anyway, doing about 19 things and crashing and burning at about the 12 hour mark. Everyone went home afterwards. I slept like a log for far too long that night and into the next day, still very sleepy for the rest of the weekend.

Thursday, June 01, 2006
It's a little scary to think that it's June already and nearly a year has gone by since I graduated. Sure, I've done some stuff since then, but I really don't think I've come all that far, and I know I certainly haven't done as much as my dad would hope. But I think if I stay on the path I'm on right now, something good should come of it. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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