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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last day of the year already? Well, unlike years past, I can't say I'm entirely sorry to see it go. There were definitely some downer moments along the way: deaths, illnesses, and the like. That tanking economy may not impact me too greatly at the moment, but it's a part of this year, too. But then, there were some moments I enjoyed - working at AX was a blast, Comic Con was fun as usual, and the presidential election went the way I hoped it would. A mixed bag, I must say.

Monday, December 29, 2008
On Christmas day, I went with my family over to my cousin's house for dinner. Given the disparate ages among my mother's siblings, this cousin is actually closer to my mom's age than my own. Anyways, to accommodate the additional family members, she had set up a folding table with lawn chairs for dinner. Sitting in one of these chairs while talking to some relatives, the left rear leg starting sliding outward. Being on tile, the leg pretty much lost it's grip. Me, I try to regain balance by leaning in the opposite direction, while I'm certain my face gave off the weirdest look - wide eyes, flat mouth kinda deal. My brother and another cousin look on, wondering what the hell I'm doing. By the time they figure it out (I probably should have said something, but my mind was focused elsewhere at the time), I'd been stuck in that seat, gravity taking its course. I knew it wasn't going to end well. Fortunately, by the time the leg finally broke off, I was only about six inches from the ground. The fall wasn't all that bad. In fact, the only discomfort I had was really in my right shoulder, probably from reaching out and flailing the arm around to get some kind of grip!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Just dropping in to wish a quick Merry Christmas while I've got a few minutes here. Hope you had a good one! We've got a bunch of Blue-Ray movies now and it's been raining on and off all day. It's the closest we get to a white Christmas around here, so I'll take it!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas is fast approaching. How is it already less than a week away? And in the fast few days I've had about four people ask me what they should get me for Christmas. The strangest part is I really don't know! I made a list early this year for the parents, and I don't know what they may have gotten. And since then, oddly enough, nothing's really come out that I'm interested in receiving. So I've had to think up stuff I'd like but not enough to have made a priority. It's a strange thing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I got off to a late start with my Christmas shopping this year, and my list of people to buy for seems to be getting longer. Luckily, I finally got my butt in gear and headed out to the stores this week. In fact, I crossed the last name off my list tonight. Hopefully, there's still a few surprises in store for the people who open my gifts, though a few people know exactly what I'm getting them. Can't win 'em all, I guess.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
I just finished putting up the Christmas decorations for the L.A. house. It's not much - just a string of lights on the outside and a little light-up artificial tree in the window. Normally when I string up the lights, I wrap them around some columns on the porch to hold them in place. This year I figured I'd try something a little different and hopefully easier - I'd just tie them in place using zip ties.

Things were going pretty smoothly as I was tying the lights up. Then I used a wire cutter to snip off the excess plastic from the zip ties. It was all well and good until I accidentally cut a wire on the lights! Everything after the cut immediately died! This was a minor catastrophe that would have been much, much worse if I didn't have leftover electrical supplies from a few classes at UCSD at hand. I soldered the wire back together and soldiered on with my task. The lights are up now, and they're working ok, but I'm a bit concerned I don't have a sufficient fix in place. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Saturday, December 06, 2008
Got to go to a charity auction/celebrity signing event today. It was a little strange in that it was held in a building just down the street from a relative's house, inside a housing development. Very low key, too. Anyway, the event had sci-fi actors and memorabilia to purchase. Of course, I couldn't really afford anything in the auction, but I did get signatures from Michael Shanks and Corin Nemec. Fun times!


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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